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About Me |

Welcome to!

ArcadeThunder first opened on July 19, 2011 with the name "Thunder Games". The site was created as a way for me to pass the time, and was also used for many college projects. At the time, Thunder Games was hosted on a free web hosting platform. The site began to grow, and quickly consumed more resources than a free host can handle. I upgraded to a paid server for the site, and also purchased the domain name "". The name of the site has to change because the domain name for Thunder Games was already owned by somebody else. Thunder Games became Arcade Thunder on September 23, 2011.

Over the following months, the site really grew quite a bit. By 2013, hundreds of people were playing games on the site every day. I decided at that time that I wanted to turn the site from a "just for fun project" into a real business, and began exploring revenue opportunities. The site has been steadily growing since, and is now being enjoyed by over 10,000 people every day. So, THANK YOU to all of you that play games here. You are much appreciated!

Independently Owned

Hi! My name is Chris and I started this site in 2011, straight out of High School. I run this site with the help of my wife, Brianna, who took over a lot of the responsibilities starting during the COVID-19 pandemic in Spring 2020.

I started this site so I could use and enjoy my passions for web design and casual gaming in one. I played around with web design with other smaller scale sites, but ArcadeThunder was different. I found myself in college courses tapping my foot, watching the clock, waiting for class to end so I could get home and work on some new idea I had for the site.

Over time, the site has grown more than I could have ever imagined it would. My wife has taken on a huge amount of responsibility with the site, which I am super thankful for. Between us, we try our best to bring you the latest high quality games. Every game you play on here has a personal touch that we both have worked on, rather it is an icon for the game, a how to play or description write up.

I was interviewed by Google for the Google Publisher Cover Story series at the end of 2021. The article is expected to go live on their new site in Mid-2022.

Support ArcadeThunder

ArcadeThunder has survived since 2011 because of players like you. Here are some additional ways you can support this site:

Game Requests & Developers

New games are always being added to the site, and many of them come from players like you! If there is a really fun game that you would like to see added to the site, let me know! If you’re a developer trying to get your game “out there” – send it to me! You can use the Game Submission Form, or simply Email Me.

Contact Me

I love hearing what players think about this site. There are a few ways to get in touch with me, which can be found on the Contact Page. Don’t be shy, drop me a line with your thoughts on the site or any questions you may have – or just say Hello!

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We offer both New Games, and Popular Classics! Play Free Games, and have Fun!

Copyright © 2011-2023 by ArcadeThunder - All Rights Reserved. Trademarks belong to their respective owners.

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