Travel the world as you solve anagram word puzzles to complete the crosswords in Words of Wonders. Use the letters to spell words of 3 or more letters. Correct words will fill in the puzzle. Complete the puzzle to play the next level.
Correct words fill in a crossword puzzle. Use existing letters to help you figure out the other words. If you get stuck, you can try scrambling the letters for a different look at the puzzle, or use a power up to reveal correct letter placements in the puzzle.
Forming words that don't fit the puzzle count as bonus words. Collecting enough bonus words through the levels will award extra bonuses.
Collect gems by completing levels, spinning the prize wheel, and earning rewards. These gems can be used to purchase power ups when you get stuck on a puzzle.
Click & Drag over letters and release to submit words
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Game Overview
Travel the world as you solve anagram word puzzles to complete the crosswords in Words of Wonders. Use the letters to spell words of 3 or more letters. Correct words will fill in the puzzle. Complete the puzzle to play the next level.
Correct words fill in a crossword puzzle. Use existing letters to help you figure out the other words. If you get stuck, you can try scrambling the letters for a different look at the puzzle, or use a power up to reveal correct letter placements in the puzzle.
Forming words that don't fit the puzzle count as bonus words. Collecting enough bonus words through the levels will award extra bonuses.
Collect gems by completing levels, spinning the prize wheel, and earning rewards. These gems can be used to purchase power ups when you get stuck on a puzzle.