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Game Overview

Play the classic Chinese game of skill and strategy in a new form with Mahjong Duels. Compete against other players to be the first to clear the Mahjong boards. Match all of the tiles to clear the board.

Mahjong Duels can be played against random players around the world, or against friends! To play with friends, swipe all the way to the left and press invite friends.

The goal in Mahjong Duels is to score more points than your opponent. Score points for clearing tiles, with the ultimate goal being to clear the board. You can hold onto two tiles at a time. When no moves are left, you can either use power ups to continue, or end the game. Once both players finish the game, the player with the highest score wins the game and the prizes for that game.

Each game requires chips to play. Chips are earned by playing, collecting free gifts, and watching ads. Different modes require more chips to play as you progress.

Gems are used for in game power ups and can be earned by watching ads.


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