Canfield Solitaire is a Solitaire game where you have to sort out the cards into the 4 foundation stacks in order from Ace through King. When the cards are dealt, a random card is dealt to a foundation stack. The number on that card is the card that all other foundation stacks must start with (So if a 4 of hearts is dealt, the Diamonds, Spades and Clubs must also start with 4). You have 4 stacks of cards where you can move cards from your draw stack and reserve stack (the leftmost stack) to. You can cycle through the draw cards as many times as you want. Play on easy to reveal 1 card at a time, or hard to reveal 3 cards at a time.
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Game Overview
Canfield Solitaire is a Solitaire game where you have to sort out the cards into the 4 foundation stacks in order from Ace through King. When the cards are dealt, a random card is dealt to a foundation stack. The number on that card is the card that all other foundation stacks must start with (So if a 4 of hearts is dealt, the Diamonds, Spades and Clubs must also start with 4). You have 4 stacks of cards where you can move cards from your draw stack and reserve stack (the leftmost stack) to. You can cycle through the draw cards as many times as you want. Play on easy to reveal 1 card at a time, or hard to reveal 3 cards at a time.