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Game Overview

Yatzy Arena is a multiplayer version of the classic dice game where both players take 13 turns to fill in all the spaces on the score card to go for the highest score.

Start at level 1 with the Newbies and climb the ranks all the way to Level 10, where the Kings level is unlocked. Start games by entering the skill level of your choice. In-game chips are required to play. These coins can be earned by winning games, visiting every 4 hours, or by watching ads.

Each turn the 5 dice are rolled. Tap any dice you would like to hold, and re-roll the rest. You get 3 rolls per turn. After any roll, tap a value on the score card to take the score.

As you play Yatzy Arena, you will earn XP to level up and unlock new levels.

Play with friends! Scroll all the way to the left to get your unique game code. Send that code to a friend so they can join your game.


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