Goose Game is an old board game that is now available online! Roll the dice and move your goose the number of spaces on the dice. Land on special X2 space to move again the same number of spaces that you rolled. Landing on hazard squares will stop you in your tracks - either leaving you stuck on a space or sending you back to square one. The first goose to land on the finish line wins the game. You must roll the exact value to land ON the finish line. Rolling too high will send your goose going backwards the remaining number of moves!
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Game Overview
Goose Game is an old board game that is now available online! Roll the dice and move your goose the number of spaces on the dice. Land on special X2 space to move again the same number of spaces that you rolled. Landing on hazard squares will stop you in your tracks - either leaving you stuck on a space or sending you back to square one. The first goose to land on the finish line wins the game. You must roll the exact value to land ON the finish line. Rolling too high will send your goose going backwards the remaining number of moves!